Engelsk B

Torsdag den 19. maj 2022
kl. 09.00-14.00

Vejledning til opgavesættet

Du skal besvare følgende opgaver:
  • Assignment 1-6
  • I assignment 6 skal du vælge enten assignment 6A, 6B eller 6C
Tekster til opgave 6:
6A – Fiction:
“The School of Life”, a short story by Lauren Keenan, 2019.
6B – Non-fiction:
The texts focus on boomerang kids living at home
Text 1: “Boomerang Kids: Young adults moving back in with their parents amid the pandemic”, a news story from YouTube website, 2020.
Text 2: “The New Boomerang Kids Could Change American Views of Living at Home”, an article by Joe Pinsker, The Atlantic website, 2020.
6C – Fiction:
“The Complex”, a short film by Dane McCusker, Directors Notes website, 2020.

Vejledning og skabelon til at løse opgaven
Den samlede eksaminationstid for opgave 1-6 er 5 timer. Besvarelsen bedømmes som en helhed ud fra de faglige mål for niveauet. Der lægges vægt på beherskelsen af det engelske sprog, forståelse af forlægget og færdighed i skriftlig fremstilling på engelsk.

Det anbefales, at du skriver din besvarelse i skabelonen, som ligger under Template i menuen til venstre. Besvarelsen afleveres i ét dokument med opgaverne i rækkefølgen 1-6.

Henvisninger til tekst, video- og lydklip

Hvis du citerer, skal du angive kilde.
Alt anvendt materiale skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger. Til forklaring af grammatiske opgaver kan materialerne være på dansk.
Du kan henvise til dele af video- og lydklip, f.eks. ved at angive afspillerens minut- og sekundtal for henholdsvis starten og slutningen af klippet.

Generel skabelon for henvisninger

Du henviser til tekster ved enten 1) at angive linjenummeret eller minuttalsangivelsen i en fodnote eller ved 2) at sætte linjenummeret eller minuttalsangivelsen i parentes inde i din tekst:

Ved én linje: l. 34

Ved flere linjer: ll. 35-37

Ved minuttalsangivelse: 01:23-02:12

I fodnoter angives:

Opslag i bog
“Hvad er et ‘utælleligt ord’?”. Helle Brieghel og Dorthe Chalotte Hansen. Engelsk Grundgrammatik. Questions and Answers. Systime 2010. p. 47.

Opslag i elektronisk opslagsværk
“Utællelige substantiver”. Thomas Boesen og Sarah Barding. Engram. Minlaering 2019. (www.minlaering.dk)

Artikel fra bog eller antologi
“Post-Modernism”. Gitte Vest Barkholt and Jørgen Døssing Jepsen. A Short History of Literature in English. A Handbook. Systime 2010. pp. 79-93.

Tekster i opgavesættet

Teksternes ortografi og tegnsætning følger forlæggene. Trykfejl er dog rettet.
Opsætningen følger ikke nødvendigvis forlæggene. Dog følges forlægget nøje, hvor opsætningen på den ene eller anden måde indgår i opgaven.

Assignment 1

Find alle verberne (udsagnsordene) i præsens (nutid) i nedenstående tekst, og omskriv dem til præteritum (datid). Skriv hele teksten som dit svar, og markér verberne (udsagnsordene) tydeligt som i eksemplet.

Eksempel: On a Tuesday morning Lois, who is still...

On a Tuesday morning Lois, who was still…

On a Tuesday morning Lois, who is still my favorite of the folks that I look in on, asks if I have time to sign a petition with her. She suffers from early Parkinson’s, and is stoic. […] I bring her a box of Girl Scout cookies, and am happy to help. I open her computer and find the petition site she wants […] me to sign. Hell, yeah − it’s a petition directed at Mariah Carey; the goal is to persuade her not to have live baby elephants and tigers “perform” at her wedding to the billionaire. […] I sign my name, and write a message in the message box “for extra impact”. “Dear Mariah Carey,” I write. “Please do not use baby elephants and tigers in your wedding.” I click on Submit.
     The moment I click on Submit, another petition pops up. […] The petition is about an alleged rapist who is about to be given a civic honor. I know nothing about the case, but sign it given the odds. Then sign one to stop helicopter shooting of fenced-in wolves […] and one for convincing a roadside attraction to donate its lonely elephant to a sanctuary where it can be among its kind. […]
     All the next day I receive thanks […], not from the organizations […], but from individual elephants and wolves. “Thank you from Toshi.” “Thank you from Eisha.”

Amy Hempel, “Cloudland”, 2019  

Assignment 2

Lyt til podcasten, og skriv eksempler på følgende ordklasser i nedenstående lydklip.
  • 4 adjektiver (tillægsord)
  • 4 adverbier (biord)
  • 4 præpositioner (forholdsord)
  • 4 substantiver (navneord)
  • 4 verber (udsagnsord)

In the podcast from BBC website, Marianne and Chris Fisher talk about their new lifestyle.

Assignment 3

Ordene i boksen kan betragtes som synonymer til enten ordet “illness” eller til ordet “happiness”. Du skal besvare både a) og b).

a) Inddel de 16 ord i to grupper med 8 ord i hver. Den ene gruppe har titlen “Illness”, og den anden har titlen “Happiness”.


malady − bliss − well-being − disability − indisposition

bug − pleasure − disease − satisfaction − joy − ailment

delight − felicity − virus − exhilaration − infection

b) Write a short text (20-40 words) in which you use 6 words from the box. Underline the words in your text.

Assignment 4

The sentences below, which are from two different texts, have been jumbled.

Connect the sentences so that they form two meaningful texts.

a) winter months living in my dad’s storage unit. I
b) shaking the structure of the room.
c) my father’s old couch in a sleeping bag and read from a box of books
d) He juddered so much, the crumples in the white sheet
e) As a nineteen-year-old, I had spent a couple of
f) had with me all my worldly belongings: one suitcase full of clothes,
g) from the depths of his chest.
h) by the light of our old living room lamp during the cold nights.
i) beneath him appeared to stretch right onto the walls,
j) As Gregory Morgan floated up into consciousness,
k) a turntable and speakers, three boxes of records. I slept on
l) a huge, racking cough took hold of him, winched up

Assignment 5

Write a text (50-75 words) to match the photo. You must include the following words in your text. You are not allowed to change the forms of the words. You must underline the words in your text.

injuries – became – machinery – flew – confidence – bravery – bled

Assignment 6

  • Answer assignment 6A or assignment 6B or assignment 6C.
  • Answer all the questions in the assignment that you choose.
  • Write separate answers to each question.
  • The total length of your paper must be 700-1000 words.

Assignment 6A – Fiction

  1. Write a summary of “The School of Life” in about 150 words.

  2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about “The School of Life”. You must focus on the main character Marcus.

    Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
    setting, contrasts, the title, main theme

    Your essay must include references to the text.

  3. Taking your starting point in the short story, discuss what you may learn from working a job before you start your education.

    Use at least two phrases from the box below in your discussion.

  4. another point is, initially, whereas, next, furthermore, all the same, yet, as a result

Lauren Keenan, “The School of Life”, a short story, 2019.

Assignment 6B – Non-fiction

The texts in this assignment focus on boomerang kids living at home
  1. Write a summary of Text 1 “Boomerang Kids: Young adults moving back in with their parents amid the pandemic” in about 150 words.

  2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about Text 2 “The New Boomerang Kids Could Change American Views of Living at Home”. You must focus on young people’s reasons for moving back in with their parents.

    Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
    circumstances, modes of appeal, receivers, intention

    Your essay must include references to the text.

  3. Taking your starting point in one of the texts, discuss the pros and cons of young people moving back in with their parents.

    Use at least two phrases from the box below in your discussion.

  4. another point is, initially, whereas, next, furthermore, all the same, yet, as a result

Text 1: WTNH News8, “Boomerang Kids: Young adults moving back in with their parents amid the pandemic”, a news story from YouTube website, 2020.
Text 2: Joe Pinsker, “The New Boomerang Kids Could Change American Views of Living at Home”, an article from The Atlantic website, 2020.

Assignment 6C – Fiction

  1. Write a summary of “The Complex” in about 150 words.

  2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about “The Complex”. You must focus on the main character Charlotte.

    Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
    conflict, sound, the ending, main theme

    Your essay must include references to the text.

  3. Taking your starting point in the short film, discuss how settling into new surroundings may challenge you.

    Use at least two phrases from the box below in your discussion.

  4. another point is, initially, whereas, next, furthermore, all the same, yet, as a result

Dane McCusker, “The Complex”, a short film, 2020.



Anvendt materiale (til brug for Copydan):

Amy Hempel. “Cloudland”. Sing to It. New York: Scribner, 2019.

Becca Bryers. “Carry On Campervanning”. BBC website, August 18, 2021, viewed October 2021. (www.bbc.co.uk)

Rosemary Jenkinson. “Travels Round a Room”. Catholic Boy. Galway: Doire Press, 2018.

Mark Lanegan. Sing Backwards and Weep: A Memoir. New York: Hachette Books, 2020.

Lauren Keenan. “The School of Life”. Robyn Bargh (ed.). Huia Short Stories 13. Contemporary Maori Fiction. Wellington: Huia Publishers, Aotearoa New Zealand, 2019.

WTNH News8. “Boomerang Kids: Young adults moving back in with their parents amid the pandemic”. YouTube website, November 17, 2020, viewed October 2021. (www.youtube.com)

Joe Pinsker. “The New Boomerang Kids Could Change American Views of Living at Home”. The Atlantic website, July 3, 2020, viewed October 2021. (www.theatlantic.com)

Dane McCusker. “The Complex”. Directors Notes website, November 27, 2020, viewed October 2021. (https://directorsnotes.com)

Image credit: Photo of rescue helicopter pilot. In: Master Sgt. Becky Vanshur. “A day in the life of a rescue helicopter pilot”. Army website, July 27, 2020, viewed October 2021. (www.army.mil)

Image credit: Caroline Tompkins. Photo of Marielle Brenner. In: Joe Pinsker. “The New Boomerang Kids Could Change American Views of Living at Home”. The Atlantic website, July 3, 2020, viewed October 2021. (www.theatlantic.com)

Image credit: “The Complex” by Dane McCusker. TV Booooooom website, viewed October 2021. (https//tv.booooooom.com)