Letters to Audrey

Letters from Scotland  ->  Before we go  ->  Letter 1

Hello Audrey,
I am looking forward so much to seeing you again, and this time we shall all meet in Scotland - you coming all the way
from Chicago, Christine and Paul from Newcastle, and us from Denmark! I have just had a phone call from Christine and Paul, and they told me that they have arranged for us to rent a very nice summer cottage on the Isle of Skye, big enough to contain us all. I guess you know that already because they said that they were going to e-mail you.


I found an address on the Internet: www.visitscotland.com with a lot of interesting information about what to see in Scotland. There was also an e-mail address, which I contacted, and a very friendly woman sent me a magazine: SCOTLAND - WHERE TO GO & WHAT TO SEE . (In the envelope there was a video as well: SCOTLAND - A FINE BLEND, it is a collection of beautiful photos put together with music, no speech. I have to return the video, but the magazine is to keep.)


Here are a few more web-addresses you could try:

www.bbc.co.uk/scotland and www.historic-scotland.gov.uk .


See you soon - greetings from Linda.


