Letters to Audrey

Letters from Scotland   ->  The Highlands  ->  Letter 3B

Hello Audrey,


We found the Tourist Information in the centre of Aberdeen and got a map and some brochures about the sights around here.


They had amazingly cheap books, only 1£ each. I wanted to buy them all, but as we are going to carry our stuff on our very own backs, I only bought a couple about Scottish fairytales . And of course we bought a guidebook - TOURING SCOTLAND, from AA World Travel Guides. 


In the street we saw people selling a magazine called The Big Issue. We found out that they are homeless and the sale of this magazine gives them a little earnings.


Tomorrow, we are going by bus to Balmoral Castle which is the Scottish home of the British royal family when they are in Scotland. Peter is going on about following the Malt Whisky Trail , a route featuring seven whisky distilleries, but when we vote about doing that he is out-numbered. 


Love from Linda.


PS. As for castles : just around this area of Bonnie Scotland there are more than fifty of the kind!

Doesn’t that make you history-poor Americans envious? 

