Letters to Audrey

Letters from Scotland  ->  The Highlands  ->  Letter 4

Hi Audrey,


Today was an important day in Scotland’s history, because it was the opening day of the new Scottish Parliament . We read about it in the newspapers .


From Aberdeen we went by bus to Inverness which is the ‘capital’ of the Highlands. I enjoyed going to the bus station, buying tickets, sitting by our backpacks with a drink of juice, waiting for the bus to arrive. It was just like travelling in the old days, only on this trip we have two children, and it is a great feeling to experience everything together with them.


Peter enjoys travelling by bus because he has time to enjoy the view instead of concentrating on driving. The disadvantages of this way of transportation, though, are that fares in Scotland are quite expensive, and it is difficult to be spontaneous. For instance, I would like to go the Culloden battlefield where Bonnie Prince Charlie (Prince Charles Edward Stuart) and the Scots fought against the English in 1746 during the last Jacobite uprising. We passed it on our way, but it was 7 miles off the main road, so I guess I’ll have to go there another time.


Anyway, Inverness is a very pretty city. There is a castle, which has a nice view overlooking the River Ness. And we saw Flora MacDonald’s statue. She was the one who helped the Bonnie Prince escape after his defeat.


Love from Linda.

