Letters to Audrey

Letters from Scotland   ->  The Highlands  ->  Letter 6

Hi Audrey.


In my last letter I mentioned huge breakfasts!

You who only drink black coffee in the morning should try the Scottish breakfast!  

First we have cereals. There are many different kinds of muesli, cornflakes, and a special British thing called; Weeta Bix. It is a kind of crumbly biscuit or Dutch rusk, and you pour milk on to it which makes it taste like soaked white bread. Peter is the only one in our family who likes it. You can also have fruit, such as half a grapefruit.


Then we have coffee or tea as we like, juice, and milk. We get a pre-warmed plate with bacon, sausages and eggs. You can decide whether you like your eggs fried, boiled or scrambled. There are also fried tomatoes on the plate.


Some places you even get pancakes with syrup or pastry. 

And in the end, you have toast with honey or marmalade. On a meal like that you can go all day without feeling hungry! A nice treat for low-cholesterol, non-fat eating Americans, don’t you think?


All for now - love, Linda.

