Letters from Scotland  -> The Highlands ->  Exercises

  Letter 4: Inverness

Songs from Scotland

- Here you can listen to Scottish songs sung by Paul Lucas, and you can read the lyrics while you listen.


Go to the address www.darkisle.com/regions/highlands.html

Find Culloden on the map and click.

Read the text and answer the questions:

1. Who fought at the battle of Culloden?

2. When was the monument erected and by whom?

3. When was the battle?

4. Read more about the Battle of Culloden at the website:



B. Text writing.

The family did not go to the Culloden Battlefield.

Find out all you can about this place and write a letter to the family. In the letter, tell about the trip you made to Culloden Battlefield.


Contents of the letter:

Receiver: the family.

1. A description of the place

2. A brief description of the events that happened there.

3. Information about - how you got there

- who you went with

- what you experienced on your trip.

Sender: you


If you want to see  

how you write a

letter you can try 

this side
