Letters from Scotland  -> The Highlands ->  Exercises


  Letter 5: Loch Ness

Go to www.holiday.scotland.net/os .



1. Click on GUIDE

2. Read the page Guide to Scotland

3. Click at the area The Highlands of Scotland and the Isle of Skye

4. Click at: Click here to visit the Highlands

5. Read the text and click at ENTER

6. Read the text

7. Click on the map at Loch Ness

8. Read the text

9. Answer the following questions:

a. How long and wide is the lake?

b. How do you get to the museum?


Now you can search the net for LOCH NESS and NESSIE.

Via MSN Search, we found, among others, Loch Ness: Mysteries -

past and present. Try it on your own.