Letters from Scotland   ->  The Highlands  -> What are the Highlands ?

 What are the Highlands ?


The Highlands are in the northern part of Scotland and very few people live here today. Many highlanders were removed by force after the 1745 rebellion and emigrated.


The hills are not very high - Ben Nevis, the highest, is 4,406ft (1,344m). The rock is some of the oldest in the world. In the north-west of Scotland, some of the rock is more than 2,700 million years old.

You do not see many trees in the Highlands, but the blooming heather is beautiful. There are many sheep, wild red deer and wild birds - you might see golden eagles here. 


Loch is the Scottish word for lake. The water in the lochs is cold and dark.


"This is one of the last wildernesses in Europe - through the souring beauty of Glen Coe to the idyllic charm of the isles, and from the waves of the northern coastline to the silence of the windswept moors."

So it is said in the brochure ‘Scotland - where to go and what to see’ and true it is that the countryside is scenic . If you enjoy hiking in the hills, this is the place to go because the views are breathtaking. However, take good care because the weather can change within a few minutes from warm sunshine to cold winds coming from the north - or heavy showers, which will soak you in an instant.