Letters to Audrey

Letters from Scotland  ->  The Islands  ->  Letter 9

Hi Audrey,


It is so great being together with Christine and Paul again, but we miss you!


Skye is an experience! The landscape is marvellous - so much space and heavy clouds. The roads are too narrow for two cars to pass each other and you have to pull over at marked spots to let the other car pass. There are sheep everywhere and there are grids in the roads to prevent them from straying.


We made a trip to Armadale in the south of the island. This is sometimes called ‘The Garden of Skye’ because of its vegetation. Here we visited the Clan Donald Visitors Centre, which had an interesting display on the history of the MacDonalds .


On our way back, we passed by Tarskavaig, and here the children wanted to bathe. I admit it was too cold for me to get in!


Love from Linda.

