Letters to Audrey

Letters from Scotland  ->  The Islands  ->  Letter 10

Dear Audrey,


Today we went to the northern part of Skye. To Peter and Paul’s pleasure we visited Tallisker whisky distillery. This whisky has a smoky taste because they use turf when they dry the barley used in the distillery process.


To everybody’s pleasure we also visited Dunvegan Castle , the home of the chiefs of Clan MacLeod. The present chief is no 26, I believe. His grandmother wrote down their family tree, and the MacLeods have descendants in both Australia and the USA. We enjoyed a walk in the park , which has 3 meters high hedges of rhododendron.


In Portree we visited Aros Visitor’s Centre, and we learned that the famous band Runrig come from Skye.


Gosh, we were tired when we came back to Torrin, but it was a nice day indeed.


Love from Linda.

