Letters from Scotland  ->  The Islands  -> Exercises

  Letter 8: Hitchhiking on Skye

A. Hitchhiking. Text writing.

1. What do you do when you hitchhike?

2. Have you ever tried to hitchhike?

3. Would you pick somebody up? Why or why not?

4. What is good about hitchhiking? What is bad?

5. Tell a story about when you hitchhiked from … to …

B. Crofters and crofting.

- A certain way to do farming in meagre areas is called CROFTING .


In the dictionary it says: ’A way of life that combines working a  smallholding with membership of a remote, often disadvantaged community.’

- In the 19th century many ’Highlanders’ were poor ’crofters’. Many of these emigrated, but others stayed in Scotland living a poor life. In 1882 there was a riot on Skye.

1. Make your VUC get you the tape to:

Opgaver - engelsk - Highlands and Islands,

fra PS - PRAKTISK SPROG nr 3 marts 1992

a. Read about Crofters and Crofting here.

b. Do the exercises that come with the article.

c. Read the words and listen to the song belonging to the article.

2. If you want to read more about crofting you can go to this

address: www.scu.co.uk/pubs/edgeland/.html#2