Famous Persons

Scotland's Past    ->  Famous Persons  ->  Macbeth


Macbeth died in 1057 and he was King of Scotland from 1040 - 1057.
He was the person Shakespeare portrayed in his famous tragedy "Macbeth". Shakespeare wrote his drama 500 years after the real Macbeth was on the throne and the plot of the fictitious drama has somewhat overshadowed the true life of Macbeth. In Shakespeare's play Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to kill King Duncan. Macbeth becomes king and his wife becomes queen. But they are not happy they live in fear. Duncanīs son Malcolm flees to England and brings back an army to fight Macbeth. To hide the size of his army Malcolm lets his soldiers carry branches of trees from Birnam Wood. Macbeth cannot see the soldiers, there is a battle and Macbeth dies.
(Link: www.shakespear-online.com)

Macbeth does not appear in monks' records as an evil figure. During his lifetime his title as "Warrior-Prince" seems to have caused panic in Scandinavia, Ireland and England. During Macbeth's 17 year rule, Scotland was a safe place and there was no fear of any uprisings.

According to the historical records King Duncan was mortally wounded near Durham, he was around 30 years of age - so Macbeth could not have murdered a kind old man to become king himself.
Secondly Lady Macbeth had no part in killing King Duncan either. She seems to have been a loyal and trouble-free person. She is said to have donated land to a group of Celtic monks.