Scotland's Past   ->  Castles 
If you like castles, Scotland is the right place to go. Edinburgh and Stirling Castles are the most famous of them all, but there are plenty of other interesting places.

This one is called Eilean Donan Castle, by Dornie

We have chosen a text about Dunvegan Castle which is situated on the Isle of Skye and we found it on

Dunvegan Castle is the ancestral home of MacLeod, Chieftain of the MacLeod Clan. There is an ancient flag displayed at the castle, which is said to be the magic "Land-Waster" once borne by King Harald Hardrada of Norway when he invaded England in 1066. It is said that it took a thousand Viking longboats to transport his troops. The gigantic Norseman intended to stay, for he brought his wife (a Russian princess), his children, concubines and all his treasure, including a huge nugget of gold that needed 16 men to carry it. At the battle of Stamford Bridge, the Vikings formed the traditional shield wall which made a full circle. Little could be seen of the men except their winged helmets and fierce eyes above the shields and the dreaded "Land-Waster" flag flying above them.

Harold, King of England, was a much smaller man than his Norwegian rival for the throne. Nevertheless, he led the charge against the shield wall of Vikings. Men figh hardest when they defend their native land. If the Norsemen won, they would ravage England from coast to coast, and nobody would be safe. Harald Hardrada, standing beneath Land-Waster, fought on long after the shield wall had been broken. In the end, he died with his throat pierced by an arrow. A blood stained cloth was flung over his face so he could not witness the defeat of his army.

The English were not victorious a few weeks later when they had to meet the Normans at Hastings. The Land-Waster, the terror inspiring black flag of the Vikings, vanished in this turmoil. Some say the MacLeod flag is that flag, and others say it was given to some ancient chieftain by his fairy wife. Two legends survive about it. The first legend is whenever there is great danger to the MacLeods, they will overcome all difficulties if they fly the flag - but this protection will only work three times, and it has already been used successfully twice - at the Battles of Glendale (1490) and Trumpan (1580). The other legend is that every ten years at midnight on Midsummer’s Eve, the king of the fairies and all his court come to view the flag. Woe-betide any mortal who spies on them during this visit!
