William Wallace Robert the Bruce
A1. Braveheart

A2. Because he was fighting for the independence of Scotland.

A3. He was hung, drawn and quartered and his dismembered body was sent to the four corners of Britain to serve as a warning.


B1. Stirling.

B2. The Wallace Pass.


C1. 3rd January 1956 in Peekskill, New York, USA.



A1. On the 25th March, 1306

A2. During restoration work in 1818, a skeleton dressed in what may have been royal robes, was discovered, and it was noticed that the breastbone had been sawn in order to remove one of the organs. This would have been in accordance with Bruce's deathbed wish in 1329, that upon his death, his heart be removed and taken to the Holy Land as his way of making up for not taking part in the Crusades.

A3. In Melrose Abbey.

A4. The Crusades were the holy wars that were fought by Christians in Palestine against the Muslims during the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries.


B1. Bruce stabbed Comun, the Scottish Agent, to death.

B2. Never to give up.


Mary, Queen of Scots Bonnie Prince Charlie 
A1. On 8th December 1542

A2. Mary's mother had a rich and large family in France, and the mother was concerned for her daughter because English and Scottish armies were fighting.

A3. Many people in Scotland now followed the new Protestant religion. The Protestant leader John Knox left her no doubts of his disapproval of female monarchs, especially Catholic ones.

A4. Mary's husbands and lovers.

A5. She was accused of conspiring against her cousin Elizabeth I, Queen of England.


B2. At Westminster.


A1.  The word comes from the Latin word, Jacobus, meaning James.

A2.  Sweet William.

A3.  A weed, Stinking Willie.

A4.  Natty, Della, Alistair, Kate and the dog Hamish.

A5.  They can travel through time and discover things


B1.  On the Trail of Bonnie Prince Charlie by David R Ross.

B2.  One of Scotland’s greatest freedom fighters.

B3.  ”Somewhere between a gay Italian dwarf and a lisping Frencified dandy”


C1.  Open all year.

C2.  £11.


D1.  On the Isle of Skye.


Rob Roy

A1. He is known as the Scottish Robin Hood

A2. He was a cattle dealer, he was stealing cattle, and he was a blackmailer.

A3. Mary MacGregor

A4. Sir Walter Scott and Daniel Defoe


B1.  10 different tartans


C1.  Jessica Lange

Clans and Tartans  Castles

A special ornamental picture used as a personal mark on letters, envelopes, plates etc., or put above the shield of one's coat of arms (a group of patterns of pictures painted on a shield used by a noble family (or a university) as their special sign)


1. Harald Hardrada.

2. Land-Waster.

3. King Harold.

4. An arrow pierced his throat.

5. The battle at Hastings.

6. Some say that the MacLeod flag is the Land-Waster. Others say that it was given to a chieftain by his fairy wife.

7a. The MacLeod clan is protected from dangers if they fly the flag.

7b. Every ten years at Midsummers's night, the fairy king and his court come to view the flag.


B1. Hold Fast.

B2. Two lions.