About Scotland

Scotland Today  ->  About Scotland  ->  The Facts

Scotland - the Facts

P.S.- PRAKTISK SPROG has kindly permitted us to use their pages about Scotland and the crofters, from no. 3 March 1992, called 'Scotland - the Facts!'

Exercise 1:
Place the numbers 1 to 5 on the map using the clues. Check with your partner.

1. Edinburgh - the capital city, on the east coast.
2. Inverness - the capital of the Highlands, at the east end of Loch Ness.
3. John O' Groats - the Northern most tip of Scotland.
4. Ben Nevis - the highest mountain in Great Britain at the west end of Loch Ness.
5. Glasgow - the largest city,. on the west coast.

Exercise 2:
Take a map of Denmark. What towns, cities or things of interest would you place on the map?

Exercise 3:
How would you describe the places you have chosen? Make up some clues. Now give your clues to your partner for him or her to try and find the correct answer. 


Scotland Denmark
Total area  78,000 sq. km Total area                                   
Number of islands 790 (130 are inhabited) Number of islands                                  
Distance north to south 440 km Distance north to south                                  
Total population 5.5 million Total population                                  
Largest city Glasgow Largest city                                  
Capital city Edinburgh Capital city                                  
Highest mountain Ben Nevis (1,356 m) Highest mountain                                  
Longest loch (lake) Loch Ness (35 km) Longest loch (lake)                                  
Average yearly rainfall 1,015 mm Average yearly rainfall                                  
  Industries Oil, electronics, tourism, fishing, whisky, aluminium  Industries                                  


Exercise 4: 
Read the above facts. Discuss the information. 

Exercise 5: 
Find the same facts about Denmark. Fill them in on the sheet. Write "Denmark - the Facts!" at the top. 

Exercise 6: 
Make a comparison between the two sets of facts. What similarities can you find? What differences are there?