Scotland's Cities


 Scotland Today  ->   Scotland's Cities  ->  Glasgow

Glasgow  – an Armchair Trip
- You are going to arrange a day trip to Glasgow for you and your best friend.

- You start at Central Railway Station at 8 am and you are going to be there again around midnight.

Fill in the form you find below to describe activity and the location. You must also make a budget and show how much money you have spent for each activity. Print it out and tell your partner about your suggestions for the day.

- You can find information at: 
Click 'Maps/City Centre Streets' to get a city plan. 

To find general information: Click 'Information'. 
To find a map for transportation: Click 'Maps-Rail'. 
Try also to click 'Games' - here you can do a quiz about Glasgow.   
Find events for today here. You can also find an introduction written in Gaelic! 
Find an illustrated guide to places to visit in Glasgow.
Click 'Greater Glasgow and the Clyde Valley' and read about Glasgow.


Time Activity  Location  Cost
8 -  9      
9 - 10      
10 - 11      
11 - 12      
12 - 13      
13 - 14      
14 - 15      
15 - 16      
16 - 17      
17 - 18      
18 - 19      
19 - 20      
20 - 21      
21 - 22      
22 - 23      
23 - 24      

Printable copy