The Big Issue


 Scotland Today  ->   The Big Issue  -> On the up and up

Glossary to: ”On the up and up – poverty and poor health”

to hail udråbe
deprived dårligt stillet
has been branded er blevet stemplet
a probe sondering
to abandon opgive
a template skabelon
to combat bekæmpe
to be due to skylder
to obtain opnå
eligible kvalificeret
grant bevilling
benefits offentlig hjælp
incidence forekomst
cirrhosis skrumpning
a parish sogn
to increase forøge
the prosperity velstand
to laud lovprise
to compound forværre
to fuel forsyne
to leave in tatters efterlade i laser
to decline forfalde
to juggle narre
a perception opfattelse
a decaying flat en forfalden lejlighed
the common close "et offentligt område"
rear bagside
to cleanse rense
vulnerable sårbar
"parochial" snæversynet
spiralling spiralformet