

 Scotland Today  ->  Haggis


If there is one dish that is immediately identified as being Scottish then it must be haggis and yet it would be more correct to call it a British dish. 
The English made haggis well into the 18th
 century before abandoning the dish, the Scots quite wisely continued to make haggis (it is excellent to eat, nourishing and uses up the last odds and ends of the animal) and it survives to the present day as a popular dish.

Translate the text in the brackets into Danish. 
Explain the meaning of it in English.


Haggis is typically served on Burns Night, January 25, when Scotland celebrates the birth of its greatest poet, Robert Bums, who was born in Ayrshire on that date in 1759. 
During the celebration, Burns poems are read, and the haggis is addressed by a member of the party, ceremonially, in the form of verses from Burns' poem, 'Address to a Haggis'.  
A typical meal for Burns Night would include Cock-a-Leekie, Haggis with Tatties-an'-Neeps, Roastit Beef, Tipsy Laird and Dunlop Cheese.

Oh, and did I mention that whisky is also served?

What does 'Tipsy Laird' mean?



A Haggis story

Go to www.electricscotland.com/haggis. Click 'What is a Haggis'.
Read this funny text and read all about the nature of the haggis.

What are tatties and neeps?

How many legs has a haggis got, according to the text?


The Haggis hunt

Go to www.haggishunt.com. Click 'Haggis what?'.
Read the text and answer the following questions.

When is the haggis hunt?

How do you do the haggis hunt?

When can you win the grand prize?


Haggis recipes

Here you can find a recipe and see pictures of how a haggis is prepared.

Go to http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/cygnet/haggis4.htm

Another recipe can be found here:

So - what are the ingredients in haggis?!?

