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About the Scottish Parliament The Opening Day in the News

To debate and decide upon new laws.


Act of Union, Separate Parliaments are abolished.


Domestic policy matters are taken care of by the Scottish Parliament, while international matters will remain at UK level



MSP means Member of the Scottish Parliament.


Scottish First Minister Donald Dewar
Prime Minister Tony Blair
Scottish National Party (SNP) leader Alex Salmond


6 people were arrested and a few MSP's boycotted the Opening Day

Golf Haggis

A1.  He meant that golf was interfering with archery practice.

A2.  A young fisherman picked up a crooked stick of driftwood and knocked a pebble into a rabbit hole.

A3.  The Gentlemen Golfers of Leith.

A4.  The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers, instituted in 1744.

A5.  He was declared captain of the golf.

B1. The golf links were sold to local merchants who turned them into a rabbit farm.

1.   Haggis er fremragende at spise, retten er nærende, og man får brugt de sidste stumper af dyret.


2.   'Tipsy' means a little drunk, 'Laird' is Scottish for 'Lord'.


3.   Potatoes and turnips.


4.   Three leg.


5.   The season ended on 25 January and will not begin again until 30 November.


6.   Browse through our seven haggis-cams.
If you see a haggis click on the "I saw a haggis" link displayed under the cam.


7.   If you see a Golden Haggis.


8.    A sheep's stomach filled with oatmeal, onions, suet, sheep's pluck (heart, liver and lungs) and spices.


Learn about whisky

St. Patrick.


He brought Christianity to Ireland.