Reading from Scotland    ->  Jokes

·        This joke is not especially Scottish, but it tells you the importance of learning a second language!

A mouse woke one morning feeling hungry and spied a small piece of cheese outside his hole. Being clever, he did not rush outside but sniffed the air and listened. He heard the cat’s meow so went back to bed. The next morning, even hungrier, he looked out and saw an even bigger piece of cheese but did not rush out. He listened, heard ”meow” and went back to bed. Next morning, starving, he still had the self-control to stop and listen when he saw a huge piece of cheese outside the hole. He heard “woof woof”. Thinking he was safe with the cat’s natural enemy around, the mouse jumped on to the cheese – at which point he was grabbed and eaten. As the cat finished her lunch she turned to her kittens and said: “That, children, is the benefit of a second language.”


It is from:

The European MagAZine,
200 Gray’s Inn Road,
London WC1X 8NE


·        Here is a Scottish joke:

An Englishman, roused by a Scot’s scorn of his race, protested that he was born an Englishman and hoped to die an Englishman. “Man,” scoffed the Scot, “hiv ye nae ambeetion?”

The joke comes from this site:

·        Go to this site and find the best joke. Memorize it and tell it to your partner or your teacher. Be sure to make them laugh!


·        Do you want to read more jokes on the web? Try this site where you can find golf jokes:


·        You can also go to and search for Jokes and Scottish.