Robert Burns - exercises

Reading from Scotland    ->  Robert Burns ->  Robert Burns - exercises

 A. Auld Lang Syne

Go to

Click 'Complete Works of Robert Burns'.

Browse and find: Alphabetical Index.

Find ”Auld Lang Syne”
In the text you find underlined words.

Click ’twa’ – what happens?

Go on like this through the text. 

Would you like to listen to the poem?



B. Robert Burn’s Night

What do you do at a Robert Burn’s Night party on the 25th January?

Go to

Click Burns Supper:

What do they eat?

What do they drink?

What do they talk about?


C. Click Poems and Toasts

Here you can see what Scots read to each other this night.

 D. Robert Burns Article in School Times

Ask your teacher to find School Times Magazine, December 1999. 
Read the article and listen to the tape.

