
Reading from Scotland    ->  Tartan


The Scottish author, George Mackay Brown, wrote the short story Tartan, which we have been kindly permitted to use by John Murray (Publishers) Ldt
It is from the book, A Time to Keep, by George Mackay Brown.

Tartan is a story about some Vikings, who came in their longship to Durness on the north coast of Sutherland, not far from Cape Wrath. They went ashore to look for supplies to bring to their home on Rousay, one of the Orkney Islands.


A.   Vocabulary training.

Connect the words with the items in these drawings underneath.


B.    Retell the story.

Use your own words but include some of the vocabulary form the short story.

Get help from the drawings.


C.    Characterization.

Give a brief description of some of the Vikings.

Find words in the text and write also your own opinion.

Describe Malcolm, the weaver.


  1. longship

  2. horns

  3. shallow water

  4. gulls

  5. crag

  6. sandy bay
  1. The first house

  2. valley

  3. shirt

  4. tethered sheep

  5. burn

  6. Kol

  1. dog

  2. tooth

  3. axe

  4. backbone

  5. thigh

  6. Arnor

  1. The second house

  2. nostrils

  3. hook

  4. fire

  5. pot

  6. broth

  7. chest

  8. blankets

  9. Sven

  10. Morag

  1. The third house

  2. hovel

  3. sheeted child

  4. cross

  5. candle

  1. cairn

  2. plaided men

  3. plaits

  1. The fourth house

  2. loom

  3. web

  4. weaver

  5. horns of ale

  6. Malcolm

  1. The fifth house

  2. coin

  3. three half-grown children