Reading from Scotland  ->   Fairy Tales -> Exercises

These fairy tales, or folk tales, are from ‘Scottish Fairy Tales’ (Lomond Books, ISBN 0947782028). In the same series you find among others ‘Celtic Fairy Tales’ ‘Sc  ‘ and you can buy the books at bookstores and tourist offices in Scotland.


You can also find fairy tales on the internet: www

A. Nippit Fit and Clippit Fit

  1. Which fairy tales do you know that are a lot like Nippit Fit?

  2. Find the fairy tale about Cinderella and read it.

  3. Which differences do you find? Make a list.

B. Habetrot the Spinstress

  1. Which fairy tale features do you know? Make a list.

  2. Which do you find in this tale?

C. The Act Model

When you analyse fairy tales you find that you can use this model to many of them.
donator  object  receiver  communication
   Î    desire 
helper  subject  opponent  conflict

This is the same model but now with persons to make it more clear.

   If ‘subject’ and ‘receiver’ is the same person, then the story has a happy end.

king princess prince communication
   Î    desire 
the old woman prince  the dragon conflict

 • Try to use the model on Nippit or Habetrot.

D. Storytelling

Originally fairy tales were part of an oral tradition, they were told to an audience and were not in writing. Storytelling has become popular again, both as a hobby but there are also professional storytellers, such as The Company of Storytellers with Hugh Lupton as one of them.

·        Go to ww.    . Find out, which services they offer.


E. Write a fairy tale

·        Use the act model, your list of fairy tale features and what more you know about fairy tales and write your own.

Prepare to tell it to your partner or your teacher.