Further Reading on the Web

Reading from Scotland    ->  Further Reading


·  On this website you can find material about Scottish writers:
· Here you can find a lot of different stuff about Scotland
This is the text from the first page
Welcome to Electric Scotland
Hi.. I'm Alastair McIntyre and I've put together a huge collection of great information on Scotland for you to read and enjoy and more is added daily. You'll find lots of information on Scotland, it's history and clans as well as people and places of Scottish descent all over the world. We've got books on Scotland for you to read, Scots language and stories in Real Audio for you to listen to, a great Web Board community in which to make friends and lots more...
· If you want want to read strange stories, try this one:

and go to ’strange tales from Scotland’

· Actually, this site is for kids, but try it anyway:
Click ’What? Where? When? Why?’
Click ’Homes’
Click ’Why’
Here you can listen to or read the story about ’Bertie the Boring Boa Constructor Builder’!
· Also have a look at our unit ’Scotland Today’
Read the articles from The Big Issue
  and the articles from The Press and Journal.
· Read more about The Big Issue: