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Robert Burns The Fairy Flag of the Clan MacLeod

A. Haggis

B. Whisky

C. Burns and his poems.



  1. A fairy princess, one of the Shining Folk.

  2. The Gaelic words for a fairy princess.

  3. It would break her heart because humans die and the Fairies live forever.

  4. She must return after a year and a day.

  5. The Clan MacLeod was happy and a son was born.

  6. Never to leave their son alone and never to let him cry.

  7. They proclaimed a great feast.

  8. The young maid assigned to watch the child left him. The child cried and his mother heard him and came to comfort him. When she left him she let her fairy shawl stay behind.

  9. He could remember his mother and that the shawl was a magic talisman.

  10. When the Clan MacLeod is in danger they must wave the flag and the Fairies will help them.

  11. When the Clan Donald of the Lord of the Isles attacked them.

  12. When a plague had almost killed all of their cattle.

  13. Only one.

  14. The young men carried pictures of the flag in their wallets.

  15. Yes, at Dunvegan Castle.


  1. John MacLeod of MacLeod. 

  2. It is incredible that 800 years of clan history are now on Internet. 

  3. He is wearing a short jacket, a tartan kilt, and a bag called a 'sporran' and a sword.

  4.  A little knife called 'sgian dubh' (skie an doo), Gaelic for 'a black knife'



The Scottish king had died without a successor.  
The English king, Edward I, called ‘Longshanks’, and the Scottish nobles both wanted to choose the new king, so there was war. The farmers supported the Scottish nobles.

Longshanks called a truce. A meeting was set up at MacAndrews’ farm. The Scottish nobles came unarmed, and the English king killed them.

Wallace and his two sons, John and William, lived at the neighbouring farm. They came and found the dead bodies. At night a group of local men met at Wallace’s farm and decided to attack the English.

Next day William played with his friend, Hamish. Night came and next morning Hamish’s father brought the dead bodies of William’s father and brother.

At the graves a little girl of five years handed him a purple flower. Uncle Argyle came and took William home with him. William tried to lift his father’s sword but his uncle told him first to learn to use his head.

- The purple flower of Scotland is the thistle, which is Scotland’s national flower.