About the structure in ‘Scotland at VUC’

 Table of Content  ->  Introduction ->  Introduktion til materialet

 This material consists of four units which each have a different colour:


  Letters from Scotland
 Scotland today
Scotland’s past
Reading from Scotland

There are also:

Linda’s photos
At each unit front page there is a list of the contents in the unit. The units are hieracic constructed:
Table of Content  ->  Introduction ->  Introduktion til materialet
In the texts there are underlined words. If you click these words you follow links to other texts in ‘Scotland at VUC’, perhaps in different units. There are links to other web sites as well. 
To all units you find exercises. They are in an English version as well as in a Danish.

‘Letters from Scotland’, is about a Danish family: Linda, Peter, Lasse and Anna, who are making a roundtrip in Scotland. They meet with their British friends and spend a week with them on The Isle of Skye. Linda writes letters to Audrey in USA and tells her about the trip.

 If you begin with ‘Letters from Scotland’ you are certain to get through the entire material.