Letters from Scotland  ->  Before we go  ->  Exercises

  Letter 1: Before leaving

Go to the website www.visitscotland.com and click ‘Contacts’. 

Here you find the ‘Enquiries’ which is the address that Linda used. First check if your VUC has the same tourist brochure as Linda had. If not, ask your VUC if it is ok to write and ask them to forward the same tourist brochure as Linda had.

Here is another website: www.nts.org.uk

Try this or some of the other web addresses.

Browse and find 5 facts about Scotland.

Here is a format which is good to use when you start on new project. Try to fill it in by writing five things in each column. You can do it in Danish if you like.

Get the form as a Word-file  - or a pdf-file