Famous Persons - Exercises

Scotland's Past    -> Famous Persons -> Mary, Queen of Scots

Mary, Queen of Scots

A. Questions about Mary, Queen of Scots
1. When was Mary born?
2. Why was Mary sent to France?
3. Mary was a Catholic. Why was that a problem?
4. Lord Darnley, David Riccio, the Earl of Bothwell - who were they?
5. Why was Mary beheaded?

B. Find out more
Go to www.see-scotland.com.
Find History and Heritage, click 'Heroes' click 'Mary, Queen of Scots'.
1. Where is Mary buried?

C. Break the secret code!
Go to www.bbc.co.uk/history
Click 'Multimedia Zone', click 'Games' Scroll until you find Spying Game.
 •  Play the game!

D. Write an essay
Here are three crucial dates in Marys's life. What happened these dates?
1. 9th March 1566
2. 13th May 1568
3. 8th February 1587.
 •  Imagine you are Mary. Write in your diary about one of these dates.
Include descriptions of: your surroundings, the people around you, and your feelings.
