Famous Persons - Exercises

Scotland's Past    ->  Famous Persons  ->  Bonnie Prince Charlie
Bonnie Prince Charlie

A. Bonnie Prince Charlie, easy reading
 •  Go to www.ntseducation.org.uk/
 •  Click 'Pupils', click 'Homework', click 'History'.
 •  Click 'Jacobites', click 'Culloden'.
1. Why are the supporters of Bonnie Prince Charles called Jacobites?
2. The English named a flower after the Duke of Cumberland. What was it called?
3. The Scots also named a herb after the Duke. What kind of herb is it and what is the name?

 •  Click 'Detectives'.
4. What are the names of the detectives?
5. In what way can they help you?

B. A new view on Bonnie Prince Charlie
 •  Go to www.scotlandspast.com
 •  Seach Bonnie Prince Charlie, click '2. Scotland's past' 'The Jacobites'.
 •  Search Newsletter Oct 26 2000.
1. In the letter, a book is mentioned. What is the title and author of the book?
2. Which view on Prince Charles does the author want to express?
3. What is the traditional point of view, according to the author?

C. Read more about Culloden
 •  Go to www.nts.org.uk
 •  Click 'Places to visit', click 'Inverness', click 'Culloden'.
1. What are the opening times for the site?
2. What is the admission price for a family to the Visitor Centre?

D. Read more about Flora MacDonald
 •  Go to www.scotlandvacation.com
 •  Click 'Great Scots', click 'Flora MacDonald'.
1. Where is Flora MacDonald's grave?

