Famous Persons - Exercises

Scotland's Past   ->  Famous Persons  ->  Rob Roy
Rob Roy (1670 - 1734)

A.  Questions about Rob Roy.

1.  Why is Rob Roy famous?

2.  What did he do for a living?

3.  Who was he married to?

4.  At least two famous authors wrote books about him. Who?


B.  Find the MacGregor tartan. 

Go to www.scotland.com

Click ‘Culture’, click ‘Tartan’, click ‘Mac’.

Scroll and see:

1.  How many different MacGregor tartans are there?


C.  Write a summary.

Write a summary of 150 words about Rob Roy.


D.  See a film.

There is a film about Rob Roy, starring Liam Neeson. 

You can read about the film if you go to: www.scotlandthemovie.com

Click ‘Bypass Flash’ pages, click ‘Movies’, click ‘R’ for Rob Roy.

1.  Which actress plays the part of Rob Roy’s wife?

See if you can borrow or rent this film

