
Reading from Scotland    ->  Braveheart

Braveheart is another name for the famous hero William Wallace from Scotland’s past. He became well known when he was portrayed in the film, Braveheart, starring Mel Gibson as William Wallace. If you like to see the film you can ask you teacher if your VUC has it, or you can rent it at a video shop. 

There is an easy-to-read book written from the film script.  The book has exercises that you can do.

Ask your teacher if you can get the book:

Braveheart (Penguin Readers level 3, ISBN 0-14-081621-6)

·     Read the book (remember to include it on your 'Forløbsbeskrivelse').


In chapter one we are told the pre-story.

•   Answer the questions below.

•     Tell the beginning of the story to your teacher or your partner.

 •     Refer to the information below for help.

How was the situation in Scotland and England BEFORE 1276?


What had happened to the king?

What did the nobles want?

What did the farmers do?



Who was the king in England?

What did he want?



Tell about the Scottish nobles!

Tell about the English king!

What happened at MacAndrews’ farm?



The neighbouring farm -

Who lived at the neighbouring farm?

What did they do on the day of the truce?

What happened at Wallace’s farm at night?


The next day –

What did the local men do?

What did William and Hamish do?

What did old Campell do?


At the graves –

What happened between William and the little girl?

What happened between William and uncle Argyle?

Tell about ‘the purple flower of Scotland’!
