Famous Persons - Exercises

Scotland's Past    ->  Famous Persons  ->  William Wallace

 William Wallace

A. Questions about William Wallace
1. In what film is William Wallace portrayed?
2. Why is William Wallace so famous in Scotland?
3. What happened to William Wallace when he was captured and imprisoned in London?

B. The National Wallace Monument
Go to www.highlanderweb.co.uk/wallace
Click 'Alba', click 'The National Wallace Monument'.
1. Where is the Wallace Monument located?
2. What is the vicinity around the Wallace Monument called?

C. See a film
There is a film about William Wallace called Braveheart, starring Mel Gibson.
You can read about the film if you go to: www.scotlandthemovie.com
Click 'Bypass Flash pages', click 'Movies', click 'B' for Braveheart.
1. When and where was Mel Gibson born?

 •  See if you can borrow or rent this film.

D. Read a book about the film
Go to
Braveheart in unit: Reading from Scotland 

